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October 15, 2024

Unifying marketing and technology: Insights from the Webflow conference

Unifying marketing and technology: Insights from the Webflow conference

When I joined the Webflow Conference panel in San Francisco on October 15, I was excited to share Walker & Dunlop’s journey in transforming our digital presence and aligning our marketing and technology teams.

Unifying our brand and making our digital platforms work seamlessly together is a priority as we continue to grow through acquisitions. Webflow plays a crucial role in this transformation, allowing us to overcome the challenges of legacy technology and build a platform that supports our goals for innovation and growth.

Here’s a look at some of the insights I shared during the session.

Our journey to a unified brand experience

With Walker & Dunlop’s recent acquisitions, we managed multiple websites, each with its own look, feel, and legacy technology issues. This was a challenge for our team, but more importantly, it presented challenges for our clients, who needed a streamlined way to understand everything we offer.

Moving to Webflow allows us to consolidate these sites into one cohesive platform, making it easier for clients to navigate our offerings and get a real sense of the breadth of our capabilities. With Webflow, we no longer rely on heavy coding or lengthy turnaround times for updates. Our marketing team can make changes directly, allowing us to focus on what matters most: delivering value to our clients and strengthening our brand.

Breaking down silos and fostering collaboration

One of the biggest takeaways from this project is how it’s brought our marketing and technology teams closer together. Historically, marketing “owned” the website, but without a strong technical foundation, we often found ourselves stuck waiting on coding resources to make even minor changes. It became clear that we needed a solution that didn’t rely on coders to be effective.

Webflow was the answer. By pulling in our tech team early on, we got their buy-in and insights, ensuring the platform would meet our security, integration, and scalability needs. Working closely with our development partner, Edgar Allan, we staged our designs in Figma, collaborated with our in-house creative team, and planned the site migration together. This project strengthened our cross-functional relationships and demonstrated what’s possible when we work as a unified team.

Enhancing client engagement and internal impact

Webflow has transformed our brand presence and had a positive impact across the company. For example, our HR team can now add more detailed information to our website, attracting top talent and supporting new hires. They’re thrilled with the platform and actively drive traffic to our site, knowing it’s a powerful resource for prospective and current employees.

We’ve also seen our content—like our CEO’s weekly webcast—reach a broader audience. The platform’s improved functionality helps us grow our subscriber base, allowing us to share our story more effectively. These are some of the unexpected but valuable benefits that have come with the switch to Webflow.

Recognized for innovation

I’m proud that Walker & Dunlop’s efforts have been recognized with the Webflow Brand Transformation of the Year award. This acknowledgment reflects our team’s dedication and commitment to staying competitive in a rapidly changing industry. We’re living proof that even established companies with legacy technology can embrace change and use it to drive better outcomes for our clients.

What’s next

As we look ahead, we plan to move another of our significant acquisitions onto the Webflow platform, further strengthening our unified brand experience. We’re also focused on enhancing our SEO with more quality content, ensuring our website looks great and ranks well in search. These efforts are part of our ongoing commitment to innovation and delivering an exceptional client experience.

Moving to Webflow has been a game-changer for Walker & Dunlop. It’s allowed us to modernize our brand, streamline our processes, and build a more collaborative, engaged team. I’m excited to see where this journey takes us next, and I hope our story inspires other companies to explore what’s possible when marketing and technology come together.

Want to see why we won the Webflow Brand Transformation of the Year Award? Explore our website.

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