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September 4, 2024

Building a sustainable future: Key takeaways from our latest ESG report

Building a sustainable future: Key takeaways from our latest ESG report

At Walker & Dunlop, we believe that our commitment to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles is more than a responsibility; it’s a powerful opportunity to create lasting impact. Our latest ESG report is a testament to our ongoing efforts to drive positive change across all aspects of our business. Here are some highlights that showcase our dedication to building a more sustainable and inclusive future.

Leading in green financing

Sustainability is at the heart of our business operations. In 2023, Walker & Dunlop was proud to be ranked the #1 Fannie Mae Green lender in the United States, financing $1.9 billion in loans for green-certified buildings. This achievement highlights our leadership in promoting energy efficiency  and sustainable practices in the real estate sector. By supporting green-certified properties, we are helping to reduce the environmental impact of buildings and creating healthier, more sustainable communities.

Advancing affordable housing initiatives

Affordable housing is a cornerstone of strong, resilient communities, and we are proud to play a leading role in this critical area. In 2023, Walker & Dunlop financed over $6 billion in affordable and workforce housing, demonstrating our commitment to addressing the housing crisis in the United States. But we’re not stopping there. We’ve set an ambitious goal to originate $60 billion in affordable lending between 2021 and 2025. This long-term commitment underscores our dedication to making affordable housing accessible to more families across the country, contributing to the stability and growth of our communities.

Driving diversity, equity, and inclusion the Walker way

At Walker & Dunlop, we understand that a diverse and inclusive workplace is essential to fostering innovation and growth. Our efforts in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) have shown significant progress, with 90 percent of our employees reporting they feel they can be themselves at work.

This positive feedback directly results from our ongoing initiatives to create an environment where everyone feels valued and empowered. As part of our Drive to ’25 goals, we are working to increase the representation of women and underrepresented groups in management positions. These goals are not just aspirations—they are directly linked to annual incentives for all employees, ensuring that DE&I remains at the forefront of our corporate strategy.

Strategic partnerships for social impact

Our commitment to ESG extends beyond our internal operations to the communities we serve. Through strategic partnerships with organizations like the Cristo Rey Network and Project Destined, we are supporting education and diversity initiatives in the commercial real estate industry. These partnerships are designed to provide opportunities for underserved populations, helping to build a more inclusive and equitable industry. By investing in the next generation of leaders, we are contributing to their personal growth and ensuring the long-term success and diversity of our industry.

Explore the full report

These highlights are just a glimpse of the comprehensive work we are doing to integrate ESG principles into everything we do. Our full ESG report delves deeper into our strategies, achievements, and future goals. We invite you to download the report to learn more about how Walker & Dunlop is making a difference.

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