Finance & Economy

Your Company Needs a Space Strategy with Matthew Weinzierl

August 28, 2024

Your Company Needs a Space Strategy with Matthew Weinzierl

Matthew Weinzierl

Senior Associate Dean and Chair of the MBA Program at Harvard Business School

Matthew Weinzierl shared his thoughts about the need for every corporation to have a space strategy in a recent Walker Webcast.

I recently enjoyed my chat with Matthew Weinzierl, Senior Associate Dean and Chair of the MBA Program at Harvard Business School.  Matt is also an economist who researches economic policy and the commercialization of space. During our conversation, we had a chance to cover everything from how Harvard Business School is teaching AI to why every corporation should have a space strategy.

Space: A source for natural resources

Many of us see outer space as the last frontier, and to some degree, it is.  However, there is a bit of skepticism about whether space exploration is worth pursuing. Space exploration is costly, and many would argue that we have plenty of problems down on Earth that should be solved before we start exploring space.  

Matt points out that exploring space isn’t entirely about sending billionaires on expensive space flights or colonizing Mars. Instead, he believes that space has some remarkable natural resources that humanity needs. He’s not just talking about mining physical resources and materials from asteroids, though;  space provides countless untapped opportunities, from satellite deployment to potentially cheaper drug manufacturing and more.

Why every corporation needs a space strategy

In case you missed it, Matt wrote an article for the Harvard Business Review that stated every company should have a space strategy. Naturally, I had to probe him a bit on this. Matt’s not necessarily saying that your company should build rockets or send people to the moon.  

Instead, he points out that companies can leverage vast resources in outer space to either bring down costs (over the long run), or improve/add to business units. He sees space becoming an important source of value for companies in a wide variety of sectors, from simple tourism to core industries like agriculture and pharmaceuticals in the coming decades.

How Harvard Business School teaches artificial intelligence

HBS has developed a course curriculum on AI to ensure that HBS students are some of the most adept and responsible users of AI. HBS teaches its students how they can stay ahead of the AI curve, since it is moving incredibly rapidly. HBS has also provided students with access to education on GPT-4 and other AI tools to help elevate their experience.

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